Tuesday 1 May 2012


I did two small installations for my studio practice. I collected waste plastic bottles, threads and ballons and tried different combinations with them. It took me a little while to form something interesting. I ended up making a bunch of flowers kind of thing. People interpret this in their own way. My group crits regarding this were good. Its kind of best out of waste.
It was really difficult to fix all them together, but somehow I managed it with the threads. I liked it in a way, because i have used things which people normally throw or discard it. It was fun doing it.

This work is again with the same concept- creating something interesting out of the waste. I cutted a bottle from the lower half and by using a screwdriver i created holes all through the bottle. then inserted straws all over it and even used wires to fix them in a systematic way.
Both of these work seems contrast in a way, like the first one resembles a bunch of flowers and the next one reminds me of thornes on the flowers.

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